The Latest Findings Of Studies On Homework Causing Stress

The purpose of homework in the modern educative has largely deviated from what it used to be a few years ago. There have been several many studies into how homework is evoking negative results in students. Moreover, oftentimes the kids are not alone in the tribulation. There have been news of tutors as expensive as $250 an hour, whose primary job just might be to make a child a tough more fluent with the alphabet.

But is all that trouble and expense really worth it? Does the child gain anything out of 5 hours in school and another 3 hours solving school work at night? Here are some disturbing inferences that studies have found.

Children are depressed

Too much homework is a guarantee for depression, say experts from myriads of research institutes. It is similar to force-feeding a hen in the expectation of gaining more eggs in a day. Children have tender minds and do not like to sit still in a place for long.

Out of all bad things in the universe you do not want your child to be affected by depression. And too much of school-work-at-home can lead to just that.

Loss of health

If a children below 8 spend more than 2 hours studying at night, it could result in negative consequences for their health. First off, more time spent in study automatically translates into curtailed play time. Playful children are often healthy and chirpy. Other health risks include:

  • Poorer eyesight
  • Lower oxygen retention
  • Less concentration
  • Slower sense organs
  • Shortened physical growth

Mental Congestion

Among the many benefits of doing too much homework, mental congestion has been identified as one of the major ones. New studies have revealed that children who are forced to do a lot of study at home, often tend to forget things faster than their freer counterparts.

Another state of mental congestion is where the children get so stuck to their homework, that they hardly do anything else. So to say, they lose interest in all other activities, and that includes play.

Weakened agility

Children are supposed to be agile beings, at least more so than adults. Doing homework naturally involves a lot of sitting. New research and studies have found out that too much of this can result in an overall loss of agility in kids. This again emphasizes on the need for a balance between play and studies.

Aside these issues, high stress levels continue to be one of the most predominant effects of forced homework.

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