Great Advice For Parents: How To Help Your Kids With Homework

Every parent wants their child to succeed in every area of their life, whether it be sports, career, or education. And because we are so invested in their success, we want to help them whenever possible. One of the main areas in which we can do that is by helping them with their homework. Here is what you will need to know in order to become the homework "guru" no matter which type of child you have:

  • Start as soon as possible ( good for everyone): Set out a scheduled start time for homework. Perhaps 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. works best with your schedule. At the appointed time, join your child at the table and prepare to go over all of the assignments for the day.
  • Create an essential call list ( for kids who forget everything): For children who are forgetful, create a list of phone numbers for several students in the class. When your child forgets their assignment paper at school, simply call the numbers on the list and get the information from another student.
  • Build up their confidence ( for kids who are intimidated easily): Children who do not understand the material right away may feel like they are stupid and give up. Do the first problem with your child to head them in the right direction and heap on the praise after each one is completed.
  • Cut homework time in half ( for kids who get overwhelmed easily): If an assignment is fairly long and drawn out, have your child work at it for an hour or so and then take a break. Sit with them over a glass of milk and cookies while they tell you about their day. send them back to work when you believe they are ready.
  • Change the scenery ( for daydreamers): Create a special place just for your child to do their homework. They will be motivated to enter their special place and put more focus into the work in front of them.
  • Keep up the praise ( best for very young kids): Little minds require instant feedback for a job well done. Correct their mistakes by showing them where they went wrong and pointing out something they did very well.
  • Leave the room (this one is for the whiners): Children who procrastinate are often looking for attention because they enjoy the interaction. Leave the room for a few minutes to see if this helps them settle down to the task at hand.
  • Don't make things up (ever!): If you do not know the answer, simply explain that to your child. You will not be helping them if you are showing them an incorrect way to do things.
  • Final check: Always go over the work your kids have done to see if you can spot any simple mistakes. Helping them to turn in correct work makes a big difference.

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